Fantasy Creature
Prop Sketches
Prop Sketches
Finalized Creature
Finalized Creature
Creature Thumbnails
Creature Thumbnails
This is a creation of combining 4 pre-existing animals and turning it a full illustration. My creature is a combination between a Dove, Seal, Bunny, and Elephant and the illustration displays the environment they live in, within danger of being hunted.
"School for the Obscure and Talented" (Story Concept in Development)
Kale Turnaround
Kale Turnaround
Vanessa Turn Around
Vanessa Turn Around
William Turnaround
William Turnaround
Posing Pack
Posing Pack
Cale: Description and Props
Cale: Description and Props
William: Description and Props
William: Description and Props
Vanessa: Description and Props
Vanessa: Description and Props
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